1. News
One blogger calls it a "newsjacking". Find an online article and mix your own opinion with the existing story.
Visit http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/books/newsjacking/.
2. Instructional
These are very popular among readers. People are searching for solutions. Write a step by step how to article about an area of expertise. Include reference material and diagrams.
Visit my Childhood Literacy post at http://alinefromlinda.blogspot.ca/2011/05/reading-magic.html.
3. Interview
Put on a reporter's cap for the day. Grab a pen and pad of paper and interview an employee of your company or someone you admire. Use a question and answer format. Include photos if possible.
Visit http://www.incomediary.com/10-tips-creating-awesome-interviews-blog.
4. Cheat Sheet
Summarize a vast amount of information in a top ten list.
Visit http://time.com/collection/top-10-everything-of-2014/.
5. Media
We are all visual learners to some extent. A picture is worth a thousand words. Include a post with high quality images, infographics, short videos or slide share presentations.
Visit http://www.coolinfographics.com/.
Post something for the pure amusement of your readers. For example, if you post something humorous, it has more of a chance of being shared and being remembered.
Go to http://www.buzzfeed.com/jackdaniels/ugly-holiday-sweaters-that-are-almost-too-ugly-to-wear?sub=2780348_2072688#.sbyX8d6j4.
7. Narrative
Post a personal story. I think of the post I wrote about my Grandad and how he received an F on his math test as a child, but how, as an adult, he turned his weakness into a strength, by becoming a beloved math teacher of thousands of Toronto high school students.
Visit http://alinefromlinda.blogspot.ca/2011/06/worlds-greatest-grandad.html.
8. Review
Review a book, restaurant or product. Include an excerpt from the book or a link to the restaurant's home page.
Visit my post "Unbroken" at http://alinefromlinda.blogspot.ca/2012/07/july-26.html.
9. Gratitude
An attitude of gratitude makes a happy heart. Devote a post to thanking someone or a group of people.
Check out Ron Edmondson's blog at http://www.ronedmondson.com/?s=gratitude&submit=Search.
10. Research
Research a topic and present your findings. Share your opinion about the topic. Include charts, infographics, diagrams, etc.
Visit http://researchblogging.org/.
11. Roundup
Select your top ten posts of all time and write about them.
Visit http://www.cornerstonecontent.com/how-to-write-a-great-roundup-post/.
12. Series
Pick a topic that you know a lot about or one that you would like to learn about and write a multi-day, week or month long series on it.
Here is the first of my month long series on setting and achieving goals at http://alinefromlinda.blogspot.ca/2015/01/conceive-believe-achieve.html.
13. Travel
If you go on a trip, bring along a laptop (or use the hotel computer if you have free access) and blog about it.
Here is one of a series of blog posts I wrote about my trip to Chicago last summer at http://alinefromlinda.blogspot.ca/2014/07/pizzeria-uno_4.html.

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