Friday 9 September 2011

A Clown in a Basket

I searched my basement high and low
And found a piece of useless junk.
It was a clown in a basket
Hidden in an old tickle trunk.

The clown was made with balls of yarn,
Some coloured peach and some were white.
A small bouquet of bright balloons
He did hold in his hand so tight.

Perched on his right knee was a bee.
On his arm was a butterfly.
His head was made of styrofoam;
His face mask had two evil eyes.

"I should throw out this craft gone wrong",
But then I had a change of heart.
I recalled how we acquired it.
Here's something with which I can't part.

Once my husband and little girl
Went to a yard sale down the street.
She got to pick one thing to buy:
Clown in a basket was her treat.

I kept the clown -- not for the price;
Not for the small balloon bouquet.
But for the look on my girl's face
When she brought it home that fine day.

Linda Jonasson
(September 9, 2006.)

Photo courtesy

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