





Friday 9 September 2016

German Immigrant William Reinhart

"We walked up Broadway, our father and mother in the lead, and the eight little ducklings following behind." (William Reinhart)

Williamsburg Bridge | Call# HERZ 0471

David's barbershop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn courtesy http://www.bklynlibrary.org/ourbrooklyn/williamsburg/.

Born in Milan, Italy, William Reinhart was one of twelve children born to a glassware manufacturer from Stuttgart, Germany.  His much older brothers, who served in the German military, warned their father that war was imminent and that if he didn't want to serve, he should leave the country.  In 1909, Mr. Reinhart immigrated to America.  His wife and children followed a year later, enduring a 21 day boat ride in close quarters over "The Big Pond".  "We walked up Broadway, our father and mother in the lead, and the eight little ducklings following behind."  Little William and his siblings had never seen tall buildings before.  

Looking west on Broadway along the elevated train tracks circa 1920's? courtesy http://wahcenter.net/about/about-the-landmark-building/.

The family settled in a cold water flat in a German neighbourhood in Brooklyn.  A short time later, two men from Tammany Hall, the New York Democratic headquarters, paid the Mr. Reinhart a visit.   In exchange for his pledge to vote Democrat, along with his eight children, the Tammany men said that they would secure his citizenship papers in six months (normally a five year process).  Mr. Reinhart, smelling a rat, refused.  Every since William could vote, he has voted Republican.  As an adult, William was hired at an international steamship company where "he worked his way up from a lowly billing clerk to traffic manager".  As of 1997, William was alive and well living in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (https://www.amazon.com/Ellis-Island-Interviews-Immigrants-Stories/dp/0760753091)

Ellis Island immigrants circa early 1900's courtesy 

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