Monday 16 February 2015

How to Reach Thousands by Guest Blogging

"With [guest posting] you should absolutely try your hardest to write something where people demand you come back..." (Tommy Walker)

Blogger Alex Turnbull did a guest post on Buffer's.  Within one hour he had 1000 new visitors to his own blog.  One thousand became 5,000, then 10,000, and before he knew it, he had 20,000 new visitors.  He has at least 10,000 regular subscribers; however, his blog partners have 1,000,000 subscribers.  That is the power of guest blogging.  If done regularly and effectively, it gives you the potential to tap into a much larger audience.

According to Alex, here are some of the factors you should consider before venturing into the world of guest blogging:

-Who reads the blog you are considering writing a guest post for?
-What audience challenge has the blogger not yet tackled?
-What content does well on the blog in question?

Alex has a standard guest post pitch which he just tweaks for each new submission.  It includes:

1.  a warm introduction (if possible, make sure blogger knows who you are before pitching your guest post ex. leave comments on their blog)
2.  put the other blog first (make sure it's a good fit; focus on building real, mutually rewarding relationships)
3.  validate yourself ex. what are your credentials (mention content published in other blogs)
4.  post a teaser (3 or 4 sentences)
5.  call to action (come out and state your request)
6.  follow up (set up a targeted landing page for the new readers you acquired from your guest post)

I look at my own history of guest blogging.  Thus far, I have only written one guest post; mind you, it was for a well-established, well-written blog (  My son, Thomas, warned me that while I would likely see an increase in my blog hits, after a couple of weeks my stats would return to normal.  He was right.  So, the name of the game is to guest post again...and again...and again.  Guest blog frequently enough that readers start to recognize your name.    

For more information, read "How We've Reached More Than Million People by Guest Blogging" at

That being said, don't forget that nothing can replace a well-written blog post.  Try to be a prolific writer in the blogosphere, but at the same time, don't sacrifice quality.  You want to write something that will grab the attention of your readers, that will keep them coming back for more.  


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