





Sunday 15 February 2015

Guess Who's Coming to Blog?

"The amazing thing about guest posting really is the amount of people you will meet through it.  This means either in the comments of your post or simply the relationship with the person owning the blog." (Leo Widrich)

Inviting guest bloggers to your blog can be a win-win situation for both bloggers.  Guest blogs can help you grow traffic, strengthen blogger relationships, give a new viewpoint or fresh content, and increase your blogging frequency.  

However, you don't want to accept just any blog post from just any blogger.  MyBlogGuest (https://www.facebook.com/myblogguestis a site which connects bloggers who want to write guest blogs posts with blog owners.  Similarly About.com (www.about.com) has a Blogging Directory which includes blogs that accept or publish guest posts.

Beware that when you request guest posts, you may receive spam, submissions that aren't a good match for your blog, or posts that read like marketing pitches.  To cut down on the undesirable submissions, include submission guidelines on your blog.  For example, ask for posts that are/have:

1.  useful to your audience
2.  free of spelling and grammatical errors
3.  free of self-promotion or marketing links (not to be confused with educational links)
4.  original
5.  not published elsewhere online as verifed by Copyscape.com or Plagium.com
6.  use bullet points or paragraphs, whichever you prefer
7.  HTML formatting
8.  subheadings
9.  include pictures
10.  disclaimer:  a submission is not a guarantee of publication

Check out these tips at http://www.quicksprout.com/2013/02/18/dont-accept-guest-posts-unless-you-follow-these-7-rules/.

Now you are ready to invite guests to post on your blog.  Hopefully, you will connect with the right people and make some lasting online relationships because of it.  Stay tuned tomorrow when I will discuss guest blogging for another blog.


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