





Tuesday 26 August 2014

God's Perfect Timing

"Stress makes you believe that everything has to happen right now.  Faith reassures you that everything will happen in God's timing." (Unknown)

Thank you to my friend Julie for posting this truth on Facebook.  I needed to be reminded.  It's so easy to want everything in our timing.  But God's timing is perfect.

Sixteen years ago we completed our home study and were waiting for a baby to adopt.  Everybody had a horror story to tell us:  "We waited ten years on a waiting list and still didn't get a baby."  "I haven't seen a healthy baby adopted in my medical practice in 25 years."  The stories went on and on.  However, we held on to a couple of positive adoption stories and, seven months later, we had a bouncing baby boy.  

It was the same situation when Rob entered the PhD program at Western.  "Only half of PhD students ever complete the program."  "Why is Rob wasting his time getting his doctorate?  He'll just end up working at McDonald's."  Times were tough.  We had a little baby.   Deadlines loomed.  Rob was writing and re-writing his thesis, a document the size of our phone book.   Today as I write this Rob's Doctor of Philosophy degree hangs on the wall just above me.  Rob was one of two students to complete the program in a class of five. He is the best paid McDonald's employee I've ever met!  

Now I am at a crossroads in my life.  I would love to go back to school and get my Masters, an item that has always been on my bucket list.  But how can we afford the tuition when we have two children in private schools?  This is where my faith comes into play.  God knows.  He is the one that put the desire in my heart. And He will provide the means.

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" (Psalm 27:14)

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