





Sunday 13 January 2013

Recipe for Resilience

Today I attended Forest City Community Church in London with my brother Bill and his wife Julie and my two nephews.  The minister, Pastor Rob, started an interesting series on Resilience.  I decided to google the characteristics of resilient people.  Here are ten of them.

1.  Awareness

Resilient people are more aware of their current situation, their emotional reaction to it, and the behaviour of those around them.

2.  Setbacks are Part of Life

Resilient people embrace change; they are more open, flexible and adaptable.

3.  Internal locus of control

Resilient people believe they have the power to make choices that will affect the outcome of their lives.

4.  Problem solving skills

Resilient people are able to look calmly at their problems and strategize solutions.

5.  Social connections

Resilient people seek out support when they encounter problems ex. pastors, psychologists, counselors, friends, family.  Such support can help them gain perspective and brainstorm solutions.

6.  Survivor, not Victim

Resilient people see themselves as survivors rather than victims.  A positive attitude helps them stay focussed on a positive outcome.

7.  Purpose in Life

Resilient people find a higher purpose for their lives.  Candace Lightner's 13 year old daughter was senselessly killed by a drunk driver.  She took action and started MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).

8.  Nurture yourself

Resilient people make an attempt to sleep, exercise and eat sensibly to keep their strength up to meet the daily stresses they encounter.

9.  Read about Others

Resilient people seek out stories about others who have overcome a similar problem which inspires them to conquer their own problem.

10.  Prayer

Resilient people stay connected to God who gives them strength and guidance.  "Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 4:  6-8)

Image courtesy wordpress.com. 

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