





Thursday 31 January 2013

Rescuing the Bible Page by Page

Ravi Zacharias tells the story of preaching to G.I.s in Vietnam in 1971 where he befriended a Christian interpreter named Hien.  After the war, Hien was placed in a Communist re-education camp where, day after day, he was beaten and told that there was no God.  Finally, Hien had had enough:  he decided that if he did not see a sign proving God's existence before the sun set, he would no longer believe in Him.

That very same day, Hien was assigned latrine duty, the filthiest and most degrading job in the camp.  He cleaned the sinks and toilets, barely able to stand the stench that permeated the washroom.  Lastly, he emptied the garbage cans, which were full of paper covered in excrement.  In the last can, a piece of paper caught his eye.  On it were typewritten words in English.  He craved English and decided to clean the paper off and save it to read later.  Once the other inmates were asleep that night, Hien took the damp piece of paper out of his pocket.  On it were these words:

"Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:38)

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