





Monday 24 September 2012

Ten Reasons to Smile this Fall

1.  Structure

The kids return to school.  Adults return to work.  Everyone is back on a schedule again.

2.  Comfort foods

Enjoy a hearty bowl of soup or a roast.  With the cooler temperatures, you can cook without heating up the house.

3.  Wood burning fires

Take a drive in the country and smell the scent of a wood burning fire.

4.  Green grass coated with morning frost

Take a morning walk in the park and see the grass coated with frost.

5.  Colour

Take a drive and view the leaves changing colour.

6.  Nature's Bubble Wrap

Take a walk and hear the crunch of the leaves under your feet.

7.  Chill

Feel the chill in your cheeks when you come inside for a cup of hot chocolate.

8.  Pumpkins

Carve a pumpkin.  Bake pumpkin pie, bread, seeds.  Cook pumpkin soup. 

9.  Stillness

Be still and know that I am God.  Feel the natural rhythm of the earth on an autumn day.

10.  Thanksgiving

Give thanks.  Feel gratitude.  Thanksgiving is a peaceful holiday without the hustle and bustle of Christmas.

Source:  www.huffingtonpost.com.


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