





Sunday 2 September 2012

Late Summer Blues

We were supposed to travel to Long Point today to spend some time with my sister-in-law's family at the beach.  However, Jacqueline and I weren't feeling well so we stayed home and sent Rob and Thomas ahead without us.  While I know that my daughter and I had physical symptoms, I think we also had emotional ones:  we were suffering from the "Late Summer Blues". 

As I sit here at the computer typing this, through the open window, I see the full moon, I smell the burning wood and I hear the humming crickets, all examples of late summer.  There is a peacefulness that comes over the land at this time of year.  However, there is also a sadness to know that summer is coming to a close.  As a student, I dreaded this time of year; as a teacher, I dread this time of year. 

I wish I could turn back the clock and enjoy the summer all over again:  Thomas' graduation, our trip to Great Wolf Lodge, Jacqueline's soccer games, Jacqueline's birthday party, our anniversary, the Family Picnic, Thomas' Washington D.C. mission trip, Jacqueline's Vacation Bible School, our cottage trip, our New York City trip, our Dundurn Castle visit, our Leaping Deer Corn Maze experience. 

Yes, I will miss the summer of 2012.  But I'm sure we will make some great memories this fall.  Tonight I will fall asleep listening to the steady hum of the crickets.

Photo of late summer evening courtesy http://farm3.staticflickr.com.

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