





Friday 7 September 2012

Christian Prayer Alive & Well

Thomas has just completed his first week at Hamilton District Christian High.  Tonight, the parents and siblings of the grade 9 students were invited to the school for a barbecue.  We munched on veggies, hamburgers and hotdogs as we got to know some of the other parents while Thomas ate with his fellow students.  I sat beside a lady whose fourth child was attending HDCH.  The general consensus seems to be that this is an excellent school. 

We headed into the gymnasium after supper to watch a video of the day's events.  We saw the Grade 9 students doing service in Hamilton:  serving food and picking up garbage.  While they worked they also played:  bowling, go-kart racing, a visit to the splash pad, a balloon toss, the egg on the spoon race and the potato sack race.  The Grade 9's had a blast!  Already the students are building their school spirit. 

The principal spoke after we watched the video (yes, a real principal speaks and doesn't just hide in his office).  He talked about a parent whose child is in Grade 12 who has been coming to the school every Monday for 4 years to pray for the students.  He invited any other parents who are interested in praying to join her.  And the best part of all was at the end of the evening, the principal PRAYED.  He prayed for the Grade 9 students to grow in their faith in Jesus in the coming year.  He prayed for the teachers to be strong examples.  He prayed for the entire student body.  Christian prayer is alive and well at HDCH. 

I came away with a great feeling.  Thomas had a great week.  I know he's in the right place. 

Photo of HDCH courtesy http://pbfchurch.ca.

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