





Saturday 14 January 2012


We just saw the movie "Courageous" with another couple from church.  The message is powerful!  It's about a group of men in Albany, Georgia, most of whom are police officers, and the struggles they face on the job (ex. fighting gang members) and off the job (maintaining happy marriages and raising happy children).  It's about men stepping up to the plate as fathers and seizing the role as the spiritual head of the household.  It's about seizing those precious years when their children are still young to instill in their children the values that they will pass on to their children and to their children's children.  It's about standing up for the truth, even if it means losing money or losing a friend.  It's about being a strong leader at home and at work.  It's not about being a good father, but a Godly father. 

"Courageous" was number 4 at the box office the first week it was released and then went on to remain in the top 10 for the duration of its run.  Obviously, its message is what many of us need to hear right now.  We spend so much time going through the motions and not enough time cherishing our families.  We spend so much time keeping up with the Joneses and not enough time trying to impress our own children.  So, when you tuck your kids into bed tonight, hug them a little bit tighter, and snuggle with them a little bit longer.  And let them know that they are loved by an Almighty God.

Photo courtesy www.songonlyrics.com.

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