





Friday 14 October 2011

What are Little Boys Made Of?


What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.

                     (Author Unknown)


It was a mild day in Exeter and a young couple was decorating for Halloween, when the woman, named Julie, announced:  "It's time, Bill" and they got in the car and headed for the hospital in London.  The woman had a difficult labour since her baby was breach, one of three such babies that night, but the doctor was very competent and managed to turn the infant around at the last minute and he came out on his own.  The couple named the baby Boden Ross Tufts.  Julie was coached by both Bill and her Mom, the latter as proud as a peacock to become a Grandma for the first time.  The baby's other Grandma waited in the waiting room with Grandpa, anxious to meet grandchild number nine.

Boden (now Bo) is three years old today.  Here are some exciting events he has been a part of since his birth.  Bo already has a passport since he has travelled to the States many times to visit his Mom's family.  Bo already knows how to swim short distances and even jumps off the diving board.  Bo is a champion pillow fighter (he always beats his cousin Thomas, who is a good sport every time).  He loves listening to stories read by his cousin Jacqueline.  Bo has played a bumblebee, a pirate and Batman for Halloween.  But his most exciting role has been that of big brother to Mason.  He loves his little brother so much!  Since Mason's birth the two boys travel in a "double-double" stroller.  Bo even invited his Grandpa for a ride in the double-double stroller -- what an honour!  Bo loves cars, especially his Grandpa's model cars.  His favourite birthday gift last year was a police car; he squealed when he opened the gift.  Bo loves to dance at Dance 'n Play at the YMCA.  He disciplines Cuddles the cat even when he doesn't need disciplining:  "You, Cuddles!  Yes, you!"  He puts on his Daddy's boxing gloves and goes fifteen rounds with him.  He makes crafts with his Mommy.  And he loves the movie "Toy Story".  Yes, Bo has done a lot in his first three years of life. 

Happy Birthday, Bo!  We love you!

Photo courtesy http://cdn2.iofferphoto.com

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